Ventilation can impact the lifespan of your roof and your home’s overall energy efficiency. Good airflow in your attic can also make your living space more comfortable. Read on to learn how roofing ventilation works and why it is important.

How Does Roof Ventilation Work?
Roof ventilation creates a continuous airflow through the attic and roof. It is crucial for maintaining moderate temperatures above and below your roof. A well-designed roof ventilation system usually includes intake vents under the roof eaves to bring fresh, cool air into the attic. It also has exhaust vents at the peak of the roof, which allows warm, humid air to escape.
Why Is It Important?
Prevent Moisture-Related Issues
Many issues can arise due to inadequate roof ventilation. Heat can build up in the attic during the warmer months, causing various roofing components to age prematurely. In winter, the warmth from your home can rise to the attic, where it meets the roof’s cold surface. It could lead to the formation of condensation, which can encourage mold growth.
Reduce the Likelihood of Ice Dams
Ice dams are a common problem in winter. These ice formations occur when heat from a poorly ventilated attic melts the snow on the roof. The melted snow trickles down the roof’s edge and refreezes, forming a dam that prevents proper drainage. Ice dams can cause water to back up under the shingles, increasing the risk of leaks.
Extend Your Roof’s Lifespan
Excessive heat and moisture buildup in your attic can accelerate roof deterioration. You can avoid this issue by maintaining good airflow in your attic. Proper ventilation can help prevent roof decking warping, nail rusting and insulation damage. It’s a long-term investment in the health of your roof and home.
Enhanced Comfort
Did you know that adequate attic ventilation can help you save on energy costs? It can keep your HVAC system from overworking, lowering energy consumption. Your equipment will also be less susceptible to breakdowns if it doesn’t need to work as hard to keep your indoor spaces comfortable.
Ensuring sufficient ventilation is crucial to a long-lasting roofing system. At Genesis Roofing, our experienced team is here to keep your roof in top shape. Call us at (515) 202-1667 or complete our online form to get a free estimate. We work with clients in Des Moines, IA, and nearby communities.